Former President Vassiliou, soon after his election in February 1988, expressed his
readiness to meet with the then Prime Minister of Turkey, Mr. Turgut Ozal, to discuss the
international aspects of the Cyprus problem. This offer was rejected by Mr. Ozal. Mr.
Vassiliou expressed also his willingness to meet the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr. Denktash,
with a view to starting meaningful and result - oriented negotiations.
After an initial meeting with Mr. Denktash in Geneva on 24 August 1988, under the
auspices of the UN Secretary General, it was agreed to hold an intensive round of meetings
on the basis of the high-level agreements with no preconditions. From the outset Mr.
Denktash placed preconditions, refused to have an agenda set and discuss options proposed
by the Special Representative of the U.N. Secretary-General. In spite of these setbacks
Mr. Vassiliou persevered and presented on January 30, 1989, comprehensive proposals
aimed at the establishment of an independent, sovereign, territorially integral, non-aligned
Federal Republic, which would promote prosperity and unity among the Cyprus people
instead of division and hatred1.
In July 1989 a "set of ideas" was presented by the U.N. Secretary-General "as food for
thought" in an effort to facilitate discussions leading to the presentation of an outline of a
comprehensive agreement by September 1989.
The Greek Cypriot side, though not agreeing with all points in these ideas, agreed to use
them as an aid to negotiations, but the Turkish side rejected the ideas outright, and through
a so-called resolution adopted by the illegal assembly in the occupied part of Cyprus,
questioned the mandate of the U.N. Secretary-General and raised unacceptable
preconditions for the continuation of the talks amounting to an ultimatum for accepting
Turkish positions.
The Turkish government lent every support to the above positions fully backing the
intransigent stance of Mr. Denktash. Despite the procrastinations and obstructionist tactics
of the Turkish side, the United Nations Secretary-General arranged a new meeting between
the then President Vassiliou and Mr. Denktash which took place in New York between
February 26 and March 2, 1990.
As soon as the meeting started Mr. Denktash introduced new preconditions aimed at the
very foundations of the inter-communal talks. In fact, the U.N. Secretary-General, in a
relevant statement on March 2, 1990, clearly places the responsibility for the collapse of the
dialogue on Mr. Denktash: "In the course of our discussion Mr. Denktash stated that the
term 'communities' be used in a manner that is synonymous with the term ^peoples' each
having a separate right to 'self-determination'Ι In the course of the inter-communal talks
the introduction of terminology that is different from that used by the Security Council has
thus posed more than a semantic problem. Unless acceptable to both sides, any change in
terminology could alter the conceptual framework to which all have thus far adhered", the
Secretary-General stated.
It should be stressed that the preconditions, raised by Mr. Denktash, were not only
contrary to the agreed basis of the negotiations, but were also incompatible with the
relevant U.N. resolutions, particularly Security Council resolution 367 (1975) which
mandated the mission of good offices of the Secretary General, and contrary to the two
high-level agreements of 1977 and 1979, which are the basis of the inter-communal talks.
In view of this situation, the Secretary-General felt that the impasse created by the Turkish
side raised questions regarding the essence of his mandate of good offices and, therefore,
regarding the basis of the talks. Under the circumstances he decided to terminate the talks
and report to the Security Council, seeking its guidance.
In its relevant resolution 649 (1990), following the Secretary-General's report, the
Security Council once more recalled and reaffirmed its previous resolutions on Cyprus and
reiterated its support for the two high-level agreements in which the leaders of the two
Communities pledged themselves to establish a bi-communal Federal Republic of Cyprus
that will safeguard its independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-alignment
and exclude union in whole or in part with any other country as well as any form of
partition or secession. By reaffirming the high-level agreements, which Mr. Denktash
himself has signed, the Security Council clearly rejected the new Turkish demands.
Though the Turkish side paid lip service to Resolution 649 (1990), it in fact continued to
pursue a policy of demanding a separate right of self-determination for Turkish Cypriots,
and claiming that there are two "peoples" and two "states" in Cyprus. These are precisely
the positions that resolution 649 was adopted in order to reject. Were such positions to be
accepted, it would tend to serve as a dangerous precedent with catastrophic developments
in minority problems which exist in many parts of the world.
Efforts to break the ensuing deadlock continued and the Cyprus issue was discussed at the
June 1990 Summit Meeting between the former President of the United States, Mr. George
Bush and the President of the former Soviet Union, Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev.
Meanwhile the European Community maintained an active interest in the Cyprus problem.
The European Parliament through a resolution adopted on 15 March 1990 by an
overwhelming majority, "condemned the actions of Mr. Denktash to attempt to alter the
Secretary General's mandate" and urged Member States to "make their voice heard in
opposition to the Denktash moves in New York".
The European Parliament also called on the Turkish Government to "demonstrate the will
and spirit of cooperation with a view to resuming the intra-community negotiations
according to international law and the resolutions of the U.N. so as to find an acceptable
solution to the Cyprus problem".
The European Community's interest in the Cyprus problem was also reaffirmed during a
series of visits the President of the Republic paid to European capitals during the first half
of 1990. The community's position vis-a-vis the Cyprus problem became even more
explicit after the issuing on June 26, 1990, of the Dublin Declaration by the European
Council2. The Dublin decision of the Twelve, to the effect that the Cyprus problem has a
direct bearing on the Community's relations with Turkey, was a most significant signal of
the Community's determination to intervene substantively for the resolution of the problem.
The second half of 1990 was highlighted by the submission, on 4 July 1990 by the
Republic of Cyprus of a formal application for full membership of the European
Community. There was a strong reaction by Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership
against the Cyprus Government's decision which manifested itself in provocations and
actions aimed at creating tension in the island (Ayios Kassianos incident on 19 July). Steps
were also taken to prepare the ground for settlement of the city of Varosha by people other
that its lawful inhabitants in flagrant violation of the provisions of Security Council
resolution 550 (1984).
The European Parliament unanimously adopted on 12 July a resolution condemning the
continuing flagrant violation of human rights in Cyprus by Turkey. The Parliament also
welcomed the Dublin Declaration and "called for the Community institutions to adapt their
policies accordingly and step up their efforts to promote a just and viable solution to the
problem of restoring legitimacy in Cyprus".1
The Security Council which was seized of the situation, through a statement made by its
President on behalf of the members, expressed its unanimous concern "over any action
which contravenes paragraph 5 of resolution 550 (1984) and paragraph 5 of resolution 649 (1990)".
In September, 1990, the Council of Ministers of the European Community decided without
discussion to transmit Cyprus' application to the Commission of the European
Communities for consideration, according to the procedure laid down by Art. 237 of the
Treaty of Rome.
Furthermore on 1 October 1990 a joint declaration was signed between the Prime Minister
of Turkey, who was illegally visiting the occupied areas and the illegal regime in those
areas. The signing of the joint declaration, taking place on the very day of the 30th
Anniversary of Cyprus' independence, was yet another provocative act calculated to
undermine the mission of good offices of the UN Secretary General and was clearly in
defiance of Security Council Resolution 649 (1990).
The declaration includes provisions for the abolition of passport requirements, for a
customs union between Turkey and the occupied areas, as well as other measures which
aim at the incorporation of the occupied part of Cyprus to Turkey. They are also intended
to encourage and disguise increased colonization of the occupied territory in general and
Varosha in particular.
In a series of statements which were brought to the attention of the Secretary General of the
United Nations by the President of the Republic in a letter dated 30 November 1990, the
Turkish side not only reiterated its partitionist position for the existence of two "peoples"
and a separate right to self-determination, but has reached new levels of provocations by an
intensification of explicit demands for recognition of a separate state on the territory of the
Republic and the promotion of a confederal solution, going as far as to make them a
precondition for the resumption of negotiations.
The CSCE Summit held in Paris from 19-21 November 1990, which culminated with the
signing of the "Charter of Paris for a New Europe", officially confirmed the ending of the
era of confrontation and division of Europe and the beginning of a new period of respect
and cooperation between nations and commitment to human rights, democracy and the rule
of law.
The President of Cyprus in his address at the Summit urged the CSCE Member States to
turn their attention to the peaceful resolution of the Cyprus problem, through the application
of international law and the principles of the Charter and the Helsinki Final Act. "For,
Cyprus cannot remain", he said, "an anachronism in Europe, the only European country
facing occupation by a foreign army, with its citizens denied the exercise of their
fundamental freedoms and rights, even the freedom of movement and the enjoyment of
property and its demographic structure altered through the massive implantation of
The Secretary-General of the United Nations in his address at the same forum emphasized
that the Cyprus problem is a European problem the solution of which is long overdue and
stressed that it is a responsibility of Europe to render all the necessary support to the efforts
for its peaceful and definite settlement.
The beginning of 1991 saw the escalation of tension in the Gulf. Cyprus welcomed the
determination of the international community to solve the crisis, on the basis of the Security
Council resolutions regarding the situation in the Gulf, and its concerted efforts for their
implementation which led to the withdrawal of all Iraqi troops from Kuwait and the
exercise of full sovereignty and authority of the Government of Kuwait on all parts of its
The determination which has been exhibited by the Superpowers to insist on the full
implementation of the United Nations resolutions gave a clear message of hope and
reassurance to all the small and weak nations of the world. Cyprus hopes that other
Security Council resolutions, including those on Cyprus, will also be implemented and
complied with, so that justice and peace might be restored in Cyprus as well.
Following the resolution of the Gulf crisis, the international community focused its
attention on other regional problems, including the Cyprus problem, intensifying its efforts
for their peaceful solution.
The United States, which played a leading role in the efforts for the resolution of the Gulf
crisis, showed an active interest for the Cyprus problem, which as President George Bush
stated, is a problem that he would love to see solved "in keeping with U.N. resolutions".
On 14 March 1991, the European Parliament approved a resolution concerning the
implementation of U.N. resolutions on Cyprus. The resolution stresses, inter alia, that the
international community, which operated extensively for the implementation of U.N.
Security Council resolutions on Kuwait, should now show "equivalent determination in
order to implement all relevant U.N. resolutions on Cyprus by peaceful means".