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Tourism and Travel Statistics May, 2000
  1. The Statistical Service announces that in May 2000 the number of arrivals covering all categories of travellers (including excursionists) reached 372.087 recording an increase of 16,4% compared to the corresponding month last year. For the period January-May 2000 arrivals of travellers reached 1.070.021 compared to 935.391 in the corresponding period of 1999, recording an increase of 14,4%.
  2. Arrivals of tourists reached 299.355 in May 2000 compared to 273.317 in the corresponding month last year, recording an increase of 9,5%. For the period January-May 2000 arrivals of tourists reached 807.424 compared to 711.670 in the  corresponding period of 1999, i.e. an increase of 13,5%.

    The main countries of tourist arrivals in May 2000 were the United Kingdom with 52,7%, Germany with 8,2%, Sweden with 6,0%, Russia with 3,7%, Norway with 3,4%, Greece with 3,2% and Switzerland with 3,1%. The overwhelming majority, 81,8% of tourist arrivals was from countries of the European Union.
  3. In May 2000, 48.725 residents of Cyprus returned from a trip abroad compared to 35.098 in the corresponding month last year. For the period January-May 2000, 198.010 residents returned from a trip abroad compared to 179.084 in the corresponding period last year recording an increase of 10,6%.
  4. In May 2000 the number of same-day visitors reached 20.364 of which 1.942 were same-day tourists and 18.422 excursionists. Long-term immigrants numbered 1.215 and short-term immigrants 2.427.

Further information can be obtained from the report "Tourism and Travel Statistics, May 2000, No. 160".

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