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Kypros-Net Inc. 1st Year's Progress Report

Kypros-Net, founded by a group of volunteers,  is an organization which has a goal to utilize the  Internet and  particularly the World Wide Web (WWW) system for the promotion of the World of Cyprus. Kypros-Net Inc. was
inaqurated on the 10th of March 1997 and was registered as an independent non-profit organization in the state of Maryland, USA.

On the occasion of the completion of one year of operation, Kypros-Net through this report would like to detail its first year's achievements and present its future plans.

The purpose of the foundation of Kypros-Net is two-fold:

  1. To provide information about Cyprus on the WWW.  We are trying to achieve this by providing hosting space, mirroring services and the technical infrastructure to governmental or non-profit organizations  on our servers.
  1. To bring the Cypriot diaspora closer to Cyprus and the current developments in the island.

Kypros-Net is today the most complete source of information about Cyprus on the Net. Comprising a collection of a dynamically and continously updated Cyprus News and Sports section ( ), a collection of Kypros-Net projects ( ) and mirrors ( ) in the USA of major Cyprus related pages.

Kypros-Net is also casting in real video the daily satellite program of CyBC, as well as the daily TV News and other news-related TV programs.

Our goals for 1998 include among others:

  1. An Indexer of Cyprus related webpages.  The project is already in operation at
  2. Expand our Occupied Cyprus ( to include even more pages about Cyprus villages under Turkish military occupation.
  3. Increase the number of mirrored pages under our server.
  4. Include new projects on Cyprus, its culture and its people.

Kypros-Net was warmly embraced  by the genaral Internet users.  Exceeding even our expectations, in its first year of operation Kypros-Net has attracted over 8 million accesses.  Today, on average Kypros-Net has approximately 400,000 accesses a week with an increasing trend.

We would like to thank all those that supported and helped in achieving our first year goals, and we count on their future support.   Specifically we want to thank the Press and Information Office, other govermental organizations of the Republic of Cyprus and other Independent organizations for choosing Kypros-Net as their mirroring site in the USA.

We would also like to thank all our regular visitors for their support and comments.


Kypros-Net Inc.

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