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K Y P R O S - N E T

Inauguration Announcement

March 10, 1997

Kypros-Net is a new Internet information resource center concerning Cyprus, on the World Wide Web. Founded by a group of volunteers, Kypros-Net operates as a registered not-for profit organization.

The organization has as its primary goal to build and maintain a rich resource site of ideas and activities on Cyprus, and to make it available to the general public.

Kypros-Net establishes an important and dedicated center of information on Cyprus and its people, by providing publications, important documents, treaties and reports, as well as daily news on Cyprus and provides mirroring sites in the USA for the Government of Cyprus World Wide Web Pages, Web Pages of other Agencies and Organizations from Cyprus or the Diaspora. In addition it has its own publication, the monthly Kypros-Net Newsletter "The World of Cyprus".

Please visit Kypros-Net at the following URL:

Kypros-Net WWW site will be expanding at an exponential rate so frequent visits are advised. Currently at the Home Page you can find the following sections:


  • Organization - Team - Contact Information


  • Current News/Events - Newsletter - Cyprus Constitution - A Selective Bibliography

Affiliated Projects/Mirrors

  • Government of Cyprus:
    Press and Information Office (PIO) - Agricultural Research Institute - Cyprus Productivity Centre
  • The Cyprus Home Page:
    Introducing Cyprus - Tourism - The Cyprus Republic - Picture Gallery - Culture - Green Cyprus
  • Cyprus Problem Page:
    Brief Overview - Detailed History - Constitutional Aspects - Violation of Human Rights - Missing Persons - Enclaved Greek Cypriots - Destruction of Cultural Heritage - UN Peace Keeping/Documents - European Stand - Greek Government's Position - Foreign Press
  • Occupied Cyprus
    Arsos - Lapithos - Lysi
  • Other Mirrored Pages:
    Cyprus Embassy Newsletter - Cyprus Sports Page - Cyprus Elections Page - Lista Kypros - Cyprus-L List

Comments and recommendations are very welcome at the address,

Panayiotis Macrides
Stathis Mavrotheris
Nicos Nicolaou
Giorgos Zacharia
Panayiotis Zaphiris


Please Visit: Donate $5 to $20 to Kypros-Net

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