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Draft Exchange of Notes between the Representative of the United Kingdom authorised to sign the Treaty of Establishment and Archbishop Makarios and Dr. Kutchuk

A.-Draft Note to Archbishop Makarios and Dr. Kutchuk

Your Excellencies,

I have the honour to refer to the discussions during the drawing up of the Treaty concerning the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus of to­day's date, and to the question raised during those discussions about passage across the territory of the United Kingdom Sovereign Base Areas to and from the the two villages of Ormidhia and Xylotymbou and the Power Station at Dhekelia which are situated in territory under the Sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus although surrounded by territory under the Sovereignty of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

2. I have the honour to propose that persons desiring in the course of normal life to move from either of these two villages or that Power Station to the rest of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus or vice versa or from either village to the other or from either village to the Power Station or vice versa shall, subject to paragraph 3 below, have freedom of access and communications to and through the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area. Such freedom shall include free movement of vehicles, animals, produce and other property.

3. If, in any exceptional circumstances, the military requirements or security needs of the United Kingdom should require the restriction or control of movement within the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area, the United Kingdom authorities shall use their best endeavours to ensure that such restriction or control, which shall be temporary, is exercised in such a way as to avoid any unnecessary or unreasonable hardship or inconvenience. In such circumstances, special arrangements shall be made for close and effective consultation between the United Kingdom authorities and the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus to deal with any questions which may arise in this connexion.

4. I have the honour to suggest that, if these proposals are acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, this Note, together with your reply to that effect, shall be regarded as constituting an agreement in this matter between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus which shall enter into force on to­day's date.

B.-Draft Reply by Archbishop Makarios and Dr. Kutchuk

Your Excellency,

We have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your Note of to­day's date which reads as follows:-

[text as above]

2. The arrangements set out in that Note are acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and we have the honour therefore to confirm that that Note, together with this reply, shall constitute an agreement accordingly.

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