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Draft Exchange of Notes between the Representative of me United Kingdom authorised to sign the Treaty of Establishment and Archbishop Makarios and Dr. Kutchuk

.-Draft Note to Archbishop Makarios and Dr. Kutchuk

Your Excellencies,

I have the honour to refer to Section 2 of Annex A to the Treaty concerning the Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus of to­day's date and to propose that the arrangements set out in the following paragraphs of this Note shall apply to the Boundary Commission referred to in that Section.

2. The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus shall appoint 'their respective representatives for the Boundary Commission as soon as possible after the entry into force of the Treaty under reference and, in any event, not later than 14 days thereafter. The Boundary Commission shall begin its work as soon as possible after the appointment of the representatives and, in any event, not later than one month after the entry into force of that Treaty.

3. Each Government shall appoint such number of representatives not exceeding two as they see fit, and may appoint technical advisers to assist their representatives.

4. The remuneration and expenses of the representatives of each Government shall be paid by the Government which appoints them. All other expenses of the Boundary Commission, including the cost of marking the boundary and any fees and expenses of any independent expert appointed pursuant to paragraph 4 of Section 2 of Annex A to that Treaty, shall be borne in equal shares by the two Governments.

5. If either Government desires to refer a point in dispute to an independent expert to be appointed pursuant to paragraph 4 of Section 2 of Annex A to that Treaty, the two Governments will endeavour to reach agreement on the expert to be appointed; if, however, the two Governments are unable to reach agreement within one month of the request of either Government for the appointment of an independent expert, either Government may request the Swiss Government to nominate an independent expert for the purpose of determining the questions in dispute and the two Governments shall accept the person so nominated as the independent expert for the purpose of that paragraph.

6. I have the honour to suggest that, if these arrangements are acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, this Note, together with your reply to that effect, shall be regarded as constituting an agreement in this matter between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus which shall enter into force on to­day's date.

B.-Draft Reply by Archbishop Makarios and Dr. Kutchuk

Your Excellency,

We have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your Note of to­day's date which reads as follows:-

[text as above]

2. The arrangements set out in that Note are acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and we have the honour therefore to confirm that your Note, together with this reply, shall constitute an agreement accordingly.

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