

    1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Gross output at current market prices (C£mn) 286.6 466.1 604.2 633.0 634.5 652.0 671.6 677.3 n.a.
Value added at current market prices (C£mn) 148.6 242.7 334.4 348.7 350.3 360.4 371.2 374.0 n.a.
  % annual change at constant prices -1.1 5.1 -0.8 -0.2 -3.9 -0.3 -0.7 -2.2 n.a.
New construction (C£mn) 267.4 423.0 547.9 571.4 563.9 577.3 591.6 588.3 n.a.
  Dwellings 145.3 218.7 285.5 317.5 295.4 273.5 282.2 284.3 n.a.
  Non-residential buildings 66.4 121.5 117.9 136.5 137.8 152.8 161.4 157.5 n.a.
  Civil engineering projects 55.7 82.8 144.5 117.4 130.7 151.0 148.0 146.5 n.a.
Price index of main construction materials (1995=100) 74.1 87.4 100.0 102.3 104.6 104.9 101.1 104.7 107.6
Labour cost index (1995=100) 46.8 64.5 100.0 106.5 113.9 119.6 123.7 130.1 136.5
Local sales of cement (thousand metric tons) 592 858 1,017 1,014 905 926 935 945 1,055
Dwelling stock (thousand) 182 217 255 262 269 275 282 286 n.a.
New dwellings completed (number) 7,475 8,121 6,891 7,157 7,148 6,599 6,327 5,083 n.a.
Average area per new dwelling (square metres) n.a. 157 183 190 188 184 192 189 n.a.
Average cost of new dwellings in the private sector                  
per square metre (£) 117 194 277 293 305 317 324 334 n.a.
Building permits authorised (thousand cubic metres) 6,913 8,776 7,083 6,816 6,092 6,137 5,468 5,610 6,922
(Last Updated 7/10/2002)

n.a. = data not available


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