

  1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Offences reported to the Police (serious offences only) 3,684 4,033 4,529 3,910 4,316 4,212 4,340
Volume of crime (serious offences per 100.000 population)* 636 620 685 583 636 614 626
Offenders (adults convicted for serious offences only) 632 628 811 909 900 919 852
Adult offenders (per 100.000 population 16 and over)* 150 134 169 186 181 181 165
Persons convicted by the courts (number) 105,437 103,988 92,730 107,474 82,537 74,007 69,416
by sex:              
Males 89,729 89,559 78,278 91,565 69,585 64,231 57,842
Females 15,708 14,429 14,452 15,909 12,952 9,776 11,574
by age:              
Adults 105,398 103,922 92,625 107,383 82,381 73,606 68,843
Juveniles 39 66 105 91 156 401 573
Major offences              
Against public order 407 301 319 422 372 454 334
Against property 824 1,061 1,883 2,136 2,003 1,971 2,177
Against the person 511 538 539 668 712 695 680
Sexual 10 13 16 25 15 16 16
Motoring 75,110 77,255 68,094 71,873 44,990 42,438 31,974
Note(*):The rates for 1995 onwards have been revised on the basis of the 2001 Census of population results
(Last Updated 18/11/2002)              


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