
This is a picture of the church of Ayios Epiktitos in our village. The
cross is cut by Turkish barbarians, the windows opened and the whole
condition of the church and the yard is very bad. Recently, the church has
been transformed to a Muslim Mosque. This is to remind to all civilized
world that Turkish barbarians constantly and systematically destroy Greek
cultural monuments without any respect for the holy symbols of

This is another picture of Ayios Epiktitos church. The church is
opened, and the cross is cut by barbarian Turks. Recently, the church has
been transformed to a Muslim Mosque. The methods for exterminating any
Greek church, destroying any Greek monument, or Greek sign from Turkish
occupied areas of Cyprus including Ayios Epiktitos, reminds to the whole
civilized world the methods employed in NAZI Germany by Adolph Hitler to
exterminate the Jewish element and Jewish synagogues before and during
World War II.
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Another picture of the destroyed church of Ayios Epiktitos in occupied
Ayios Epiktitos. The church has now been converted into a muslim mosque in
an effort to destroy every sign of Hellinism and Christianity in Turkish
military occupied areas of Cyprus since 1974. We, the lawful Greek
inhabitants of Ayios Epiktitos, will never forget our village and we will
always struggle against the turkish oppressors until we return back to our


This is the new church of Ayios Epiktitos in Moni Limassol. We tried
to built it the same way as the original church to keep the tradition and
our heritage alive.

Another view of the new church of Ayios Epiktitos at Moni Limassol.
This is the view of the church from the south side.

Another view of the new church of Ayios Epiktitos at Moni Limassol.
This is the view of the church from the south east side. Notice the
workers working around the church to form the soil.

Another view of the new church of Ayios Epiktitos at Moni Limassol.
This is the view of the church from the east side. Notice the workers
working around the church to form the soil.

The new church of Ayios Epiktitos at Moni Limassol

The interior of the church, having three layers. The church has 4
windows and 1 door in both north and south sides, and a third door in the
west side.

A closer view of the three floor layers of the church.

The roof of the church on a photo taken from the east to the west