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Occupied Cyprus Project

The Rule of Law-
Factual Causation of the Cyprus problem:

- Cyprus 1974 - Turkish invasion and military occupation against Cyprus

- Occupied Cyprus - Brief History
- Occupied Cyprus Project - Objectives
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- List of ALL Villages and Towns in Occupied Cyprus

The Rule of Law:
Legal Causation of the Cyprus problem:
- United Nations (UN) Resolutions on Cyprus
- Complete List of the Council of Europe's treaties
- European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)

Links: UN Annan Plan

Occupied Cyprus Project Logo. Occupied Greek Orthodox Monastery of Apostle Andreas (Andrew), and Occupied Ancient Greek town of Kyrenia.

The unacceptable situation in Cyprus today!!!
37% of the island is under ILLEGAL Turkish military occupation,
3% is UNFICYP controlled buffer zone,
3% comprise two British sovereign bases.

Occupied Cyprus Project aims in helping keeping the flag of struggle for return of ALL 200,000 Greek, Armenian, Latin, Maronite, and even Turkish-Cypriot refugees back in their ancestors lands, by providing detailed information about Cyprus communities (villages/towns), occupied ILLEGALLY by the Turkish army since 1974.

Note: Kypros-Net Inc. reserves the right to delete without notice, and reassign to other webmasters, any accounts that do not fulfill the purposes and objectives of Occupied Cyprus Project. 

Copyright © 1994-2005. Kypros-Net Inc. All rights reserved.

Websites of Greek Cypriot Refugees depicting their villages occupied ILLEGALLY by Turkey since 1974:
- Achna
- Agios Amvrosios
- Agios Epiktitos
- Akanthou
- Ardhana

- Ardhana II

- Arsos
- Bellapais
- Coma tou Yialou
- Dhavlos
- Famagusta
- Kalogrea
- Karavas
- Karmi
- Katokopia
- Kondea
- Kyrenia
- Kythrea
- Lambousa
- Lapathos
Lefkoniko I
- Lefkoniko II
- Limnia
- Lysi
- Mandres
- Marathovounos
- Morphou
- Myrtou
- Rizokarpaso
- Tremetousia
- Vatili I
- Vatili II
- Yerani
- Zodhia

The Rule of Law. Factual and Legal Causation of the Cyprus Problem:
Turkish STATE SPONSORED TERRORISM against Cyprus. Turkish continuous violations of numerous articles of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Turkish continuous violations include violations of Article 1 of Protocol 1, Article 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Below are the leading cases decided at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which set the legal authoritative precedent that makes it easier for ALL 200,000 Greek Cypriot Refugees to sue Turkey and claim back their homes and legal properties.

December 3 2003: Turkey has been ordered to pay £1.100.000CY [$2.310.000USD £1CY=$2.10USD] to Mrs. Titina Loizidou, a Greek-Cypriot refugee coming from the Turkish occupied town Kyrenia, occupied Cyprus. The order by the Council of Europe followed the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Loizidou v Turkey. Turkey handed over a cheque for 1.2 million euros to Council of Europe Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer, compensating Greek Cypriot Titina Loizidou for the loss of use of her property in the Turkish-occupied town of Kyrenia. Turkey has been refusing to comply with the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for five years. Turkey has still to comply with the second limb of the decision demanding Turkey to provide free access and resettlement of Mrs. Titina Loizidou back in her home in Kyrenia, Cyprus.

Individual claim: Vertical Application of the Law: Loizidou v. Turkey ECHR
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): Turkey has been found liable and guilty for violating the property rights of Mrs. Titina Loizidou, a Greek Cypriot refugee from the town of Kyrenia, Cyprus. For these crimes, Turkey has to pay Mrs. Loizidou compensations for not allowing her to use and enjoy her property, that exceeds £500,000 (half million) CY pounds (1CY£=1.6US$)

Loizidou v. Turkey (Article 50) (1998) 26 E.H.R.R. ECHR

Loizidou v. Turkey (1997) 23 E.H.R.R. 513 ECHR

Loizidou v. Turkey (1995) 20 E.H.R.R. 99 ECHR

Inter-governmental claim: Horizontal Application of the Law: Cyprus v. Turkey ECHR
ECHR & European Commission for Human Rights: Turkey has been found liable and guilty for numerous violations of Human Rights being committed in the occupied areas of Cyprus since 1974. These violations include the deprivation of properties belonging to Greek-Cypriots that were forced  by Turkish military forces to leave their homes and run for their lives.

Cyprus v. Turkey (2002) 35 E.H.R.R. 30 ECHR Cyprus v. Turkey (1997) 23 E.H.R.R. 244 Eur Comm HR Cyprus v. Turkey (1993) 15 E.H.R.R. 509 Eur Comm HR Cyprus v. Turkey (1982) 4 E.H.R.R. 482 Eur Comm HR

Copyright © 1994 - 2005 Kypros-Net Inc. All rights reserved. 

Below are current Occupied Cyprus websites created by Greek Cypriot refugees. They demand  Turkey to permit them to return and settle back to their lawful villages and towns, repair their Greek Orthodox Churches, monasteries and cemeteries destroyed by the Turkish Army, and re-establish in peace in their dwelling homes, fields, and businesses in occupied Cyprus. Click on each icon to visit the corresponding webpage of the village/town in occupied Cyprus. These villages/towns in Cyprus are occupied ILLEGALLY by the Turkish army since 1974 after Turkey attacked and captured 40% of Cyprus territory.

Occupied Cyprus Project
Kypros-Net - Occupied Cyprus - 1974 Photo Archive Occupied Cyprus - Achna village - Ammochostos district

Kypros-Net - Occupied Cyprus - Agios Amvrosios - Kyrenia

Kypros-Net - Occupied Cyprus - Agios Epiktitos - Kyrenia

Akanthou Ardhana
Ardhana (II) Occupied Cyprus Project Arsos Assia
Kypros-Net - Occupied Cyprus - Bellapais - Kyrenia Dhavlos Famagusta & Kerynia
Kypros-Net - Occupied Cyprus - Kalogrea - Kyrenia Kypros-Net - Occupied Cyprus - Karavas - Kyrenia Kypros-Net - Occupied Cyprus - Karmi - Kyrenia
Kondea Kypros-Net - Occupied Cyprus - Kyrenia
Kypros-Net - Occupied Cyprus - Kythrea Kypros-Net - Occupied Cyprus - Lambousa - Kyrenia Lapathos - Ammochostos
Kypros-Net - Occupied Cyprus - Lapithos Lefkoniko (I) Lefkoniko (II)
Limnia Lysi Mandres
Marathovounos Morphou Kypros-Net - Occupied Cyprus - Myrtou
Rizokarpaso Tremetousia - Occupied Cyprus Vatili
Vatili (II) Yerani - Ammochostos Zodhia

Please Visit: The Official homepage of the Cyprus Agricultural Research Institute

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