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        [Copyright 1996 by UMI Company. All Rights Reserved.] The dissertation records contained here are published with permission of UMI Company, publishers of Dissertation Abstracts International, and may not be reproduced without prior permission. Copies of the complete dissertations may be ordered by calling 800-521-0600 ext. 3871 or 313-761-4700 ext. 371 or by writing to UMI at: 300 North Zeeb Road, PO Box 1346, Ann Arbor MI 48106-1346, USA.

        For more information consult UMI's Dissertation Abstracts in electronic and printed form at your local library.


Maisels, Fiona G. "The feeding ecology of the Cyprus mouflon ovis
        orientalis gmelin 1774, in the Paphos forest, Cyprus."
        University of Edinburgh, UK. Ph.D., 1988.
Thirgood, J.V. "The Mediterranean forest: A study in regression and
        rehabilitation with special reference to the island of
        Cyprus." State University of New York Col. Of Environmental
        Science & Forestry. Ph.D., 1971


Balthazar, Judith Weinstein. "Copper and bronze working in early
        through middle Bronze age Cyprus." University of Pennsylvania.
        Ph.D., 1986.
Barlow, Jane Atwood. "The stratified pottery of the Bronze age
        settlement at Alambra, Cyprus: A preliminary report." Cornell
        University. Ph.D., 1982.
Bergoffen, Celia Jane. "A comparative study of the regional
        distribution of Cypriote pottery in Canaan and Egypt in the
        late Bronze age." New York University. Ph.D., 1989.
Bieber, Alan Mark, Jr. "Neutron activation analysis of
        archaeological ceramics from Cyprus." The University of
        Connecticut. Ph.D., 1977.
Bolger, Diane Louise. "Erimi-Pamboula: A study of the site in light
        of recent evidence." University of Cincinnati. Ph.D., 1985.
Brown, Kristine Stuart. "The question of Near Eastern textile
        decoration of the early first millennium B.C. as a source for
        Greek vase painting of the orientalizing style." University of
        Pennsylvania. Ph.D., 1980.
Connelly, Joan Breton. "Cypriot Hellenistic votive sculpture:
        Typology and workshops." Bryn Mawr College. Ph.D., 1984.
Demas, Martha V. "Pyla-Kokkinokremos and Maa-Palaeokastro: Two
        fortified settlements of the end of the 13th century B.C. in
        Cyprus." University of Cincinnati. Ph.D., 1984.
Domurad, Melodie R. "The populations of ancient Cyprus." University
        of Cincinnati. Ph.D., 1986.
Donohoe, Jean M. "The Lapithos-lower geometric cemetery: An early
        Iron age necropolis in Cyprus (Report of the 1931-1932
        excavations of the Cyprus expedition of the University of
        Pennsylvania Museum)." University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D.,
Gifford, John Allen. "Paleogeography of archaeological sites of the
        Larnaca lowlands, southeastern Cyprus." University of
        Minnesota. Ph.D., 1978.
Herscher, Ellen Carol. "The Bronze age cemetery at Lapithos, Vrysi
        tou Barba, Cyprus: Results of the University of Pennsylvania
        Museum excavation, 1931." University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D.,
Haskell, Halford Whittier. "The coarse ware stirrup jars of Crete
        and the Cyclades." The University of North Carolina at Chapel
        Hill. Ph.D., 1981.
Iacovou, Maria. "The eleventh century B.C. pictorial pottery of
        Cyprus." University of Cincinnati. Ph.D., 1984.
Keswani, Priscilla Frances Schuster. "Mortuary ritual and social
        hierarchy in Bronze age Cyprus." The University of Michigan.
        Ph.D., 1989.
Kling, Barbara Barrett. "Mycenaean IIIC:1B and related pottery in
        Cyprus." University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D., 1987.
Kromholz, Susan Foster. "The Bronze age necropolis at Ayia
        Paraskevi (Nicosia): Unpublished tombs in the Cyprus Museum."
        Brandeis University. Ph.D., 1977.
McClellan, Murray C. "Core-formed glass from dated contexts."
        University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D., 1984.
Mogelonsky, Marcia Keren. "Early and middle Cypriot terracotta
        figurines." Cornell University. Ph.D., 1988.
Niklasson, Karin. "Early prehistoric burials in Cyprus." Goteborgs
        Universitet, Sweden. 1992.
Orphanides, Andreas Gregory. "Towards a theory for the
        interpretation of material remains in archaeology: The Bronze
        age anthropomorphic figurines from Cyprus." State University
        of New York at Albany. Ph.D., 1986.
Raber, Paul Allister. "The organization and development of early
        copper metallurgy in the Polis region, western Cyprus." The
        Pennsylvania State University. Ph.D., 1984.
Russell, Pamela Jaye. "The pottery from the late Cypriot IIC
        settlement at Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios, Cyprus: The 1979-
        1984 excavation seasons." University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D.,
Samuelson, Anna-Greta. "Bronze age white painted I ware in Cyprus:
        A reinvestigation." Goteborgs Universitet, Sweden. 1993.
Simon, Marilyn Louise. "Late Bronze age ivories from Cyprus."
        University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D., 1990.
Smith, Joanna S. "Seals for sealing in the late Cypriot period."
        Bryn Mawr College. Ph.D., 1994.
Toumazou, Michael Kyriacou. "Aspects of burial practices in early
        prehistoric Cypriote sites, c. 7,000--2,500/2,300 B.C." Bryn
        Mawr College. Ph.D., 1987.


Rifki, Fatih Ahmet. "The impact of environmentally conscious
       architectural design principles on Nicosia, Cyprus."
        University of Oregon. 1985.
Serghides, Despina. "Zero energy for the Cyprus house." Open
        University, UK. Ph.D., 1993.


Book, Patricia Ann. "Thalassemia: An anthropological study of 86
       patients and their families in Cyprus." The University of
        Connecticut. Ph.D., 1980.
Killoran, Moira Gutman. "Pirate state, poet nation: The poetic
        struggle over 'the past' in North Cyprus." The University of
       Texas at Austin. Ph.D., 1994.
Maratheftis, Antonios I. "'Den ksechno', I do not forget: The greek
        Cypriot refugee experience as oral narrative." The University
        of Texas at Austin. Ph.D., 1989.
Pattie, Susan Paul. "Faith in history: Armenians rebuilding
        community in Cyprus and London." The University of Michigan.
        Ph.D., 1990.
Stamatakis, Nickolas Andreas. "History, language and national
        rituals: The construction of modern Greek-Cypriot identity."
        State University of New York at Stony Brook. Ph.D., 1994.


Afxentiou, Panayiotis Constantinou. "The role of government in
        economic development with special reference to Cyprus."
        University of Colorado at Boulder. Ed.D., 1969.
Christopher, Chris George, Jr. "A computable general equilibrium
        model of economic integration." State University of New York
        at Albany. Ph.D., 1994.
Ciprut,Jose V. "Peace, pace and parallax: Toward a quanto-analytic
        discernment of past security needs and military wants among
        the import-dependent sovereign countries of developing
        Eurafrasia." University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D., 1987.
Georgiou, George Costas. "Alternative trade strategies and
        employment in Cyprus." The George Washington University.
        Ph.D., 1979.
Hajizadeh, Avaz. "Productivity and technical change in
        manufacturing industry: An international comparison."
        Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Ph.D., 1985.
Jierwiriyapant, Pattana Aviphant. "A study of the European
        community import demand for fresh fruits and fresh grapefruit:
        A demand system approach." University of Florida. Ph.D., 1990.
Kammas, Michael. "Services, export-led growth in microstates: The
        case of Cyprus." The University of Utah. Ph.D., 1991.
Kaminarides, Ioannis Savva. "Real and pecuniary capital in the
        industrialization process: A case study of Cyprus." University
        of Houston. Ph.D., 1968.
Karapatakis, Andreas George. "Financial liberalization and
        inflation in a small open financially repressed economy:
        Theory, and evidence from Cyprus." The University of
        Connecticut. Ph.D., 1992.
Katsioloudes, Marios I. "Managing development banking institutions
        in developing countries through coordinated networks: The
        case of the Cyprus development bank." University of
        Pennsylvania. Ph.D., 1990.
Kyriakides, Dinos Othon. "The structure of Cyprus economy, 1972:
     Interindustry analysis." University of Northern Colorado.
      Ph.D., 1977.
Lyssiotou, Panayiota Flori. "An intertemporal approach to the
      current account: A theoretical and empirical analysis of the
      case of Cyprus." Clark University. Ph.D., 1990.
Panagides, Stahis Solomon. "An econometric study of the Cyprus
      economy." Iowa State University. Ph.D., 1967.
Proxenos, Yiannakis Andreas. "An econometric model of the economy
      of Cyprus." City University of New York. Ph.D., 1992.
Theophanous, Andreas. "The significance of the structure of
      government spending in macroeconomic models." The Pennsylvania
      State University. Ph.D., 1988.
Thoma, George. "An annual econometric model for Cyprus, 1958-1971."
      University of California, Los Angeles. Ph.D., 1973.
Savvides, Savvas. "The monetary sector and monetary policy in
      Cyprus: A monetary econometric model." New York University.
      Ph.D., 1985.
Smith, Mark Griffin. "Short-run water supply allocation under
      uncertainty: Markets and market failure." Duke university.
      Ph.D., 1987.


Christou, Constantinos Panayiotou. "Problem-solving instruction in
      rural and urban middle schools in Cyprus: The effects of an
      NCTM standards based approach." The University of Toledo.
      Ph.D., 1993.
Georgiades, Zenon E. "Establishment of guidance services in
      developing countries with special emphasis on a guidance
      program for the secondary schools in Cyprus." The American
      University. Ed.D., 1966.
Koutsoulis, Michalis Kyriacou. "Home environment and its
      relationship to self concept, attitude toward school,
      educational aspirations, career expectations, and achievement
      of high school students in Cyprus." St. John's University,
      New York. Ed.D., 1995.
Macrides, Clitos C. "The Priority of perceived inservice needs of
      secondary school teachers in Cyprus." State University of New
      York at Albany. Ed.D., 1978.
Papadopoulos, Antonios Papastephanou. "Selected variables involved
      in inservice teacher education in Cyprus: A simulation
      model." University of Minnesota. Ph.D., 1974.
Papaleontiou, George Costa. "Effects of residential displacement
      on academic achievement in the Greek elementary schools of
      Cyprus." State University of New York at Albany. Ed.D., 1982.
Pavlides, Christos S. "An examination of the educational system of
      Cyprus and proposals for its future development." Fairleigh
      Dickinson University. Ed.D., 1980.
Theophilides, Christos. "Perceived need fulfillment deficiencies
      of Cyprus elementary educators as a function of some personal
      attributes and selected organizational properties." State
      University of New York at Albany. Ed.D., 1979.
Tollefson, Terry Ray. "Schools for Cyprus: A history of the
      American Board's Mission (1834-1842)." Harvard University.
      Ed.D., 1989.
Weir, William W. "Some theories and practices in education in the
      island of Cyprus since 1878." Columbia University. Ph.D.,
Wood, Michael Anthony. "Funding educational projects in the
      developing nations: Towards establishing congruency between
      the expectations of western donor agencies and the needs of
      the Islamic nations." University of California, Riverside.
      Ph.D., 1987.
Yaratan, Huseyin Salahi. "A preformative evaluation of the effects
      of the entrance examination for colleges on the Turkish
      community in Cyprus." The University of Michigan. Ed.D.,
Zachariadis, Christoforos Petros. "A model for educational
      development in Cyprus." University of California, Berkeley.
        Ph.D., 1972.
Zachariou, Andreas Michael. "A survey of attitudes of Greek
        elementary and secondary school public teachers of Cyprus on
        the teaching of the Greek and Turkish languages and cultures
        and the local Greek-Cypriot dialect and culture." The Florida
        State University. Ph.D., 1980.


Cheal, Catheryn Leda. "Early Hellenistic architecture and sculpture
        in Cyprus: Tumulus 77 at Salamis." Brown University. Ph.D.,
Fales, de Coursey, Jr. "The arena-bath area at Curium in Cyprus:
        A study of Roman and early Christian architecture." Harvard
        University. Ph.D., 1957.
Gaber-Saletan, Pamela J. "Regional styles in Cypriote limestone
        sculpture." Harvard University. Ph.D., 1982.
Young, Susan Hatfield. "Byzantine painting in Cyprus during the
        early Lusignan period." The Pennsylvania State University.
        Ph.D., 1983.


Ash, Cristopher H. "Development and subsequent demise of an oceanic
        spreading center: The Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus." Memorial
        University of Newfoundland, Canada. MSC., 1990.
Bettison-Varga, Lori. "Petrogenetic studies of epidosites and
        mixed-layered chlorite/smectite in submarine hydrothermal
        systems." University of California, Davis. Ph.D., 1991.
Dilek, Yildirim. "Structure and petrology of selected mesozoic
        ophiolite complexes in western north America and eastern
        Mediterranean: Tectonic significance of ophiolites in the
        cordilleran and alpine orogenic belts." University of
        California, Davis. Ph.D., 1989.
Doehne, Eric Ferguson. "The weathering of dolomite marble on
        Thasos, Greece." University of California, Davis. Ph.D.,
Dunsworth, Sherry Mary. "Multiple intrusion and deformation within
        the northwestern quadrant of the plutonic complex, Troodos
        ophiolite, Cyprus." Memorial University of Newfoundland,
        Canada. MSC 1989.
Eaton, S. "The sedimentology of mid to late miocene carbonates and
        evaporites in southern Cyprus." University of Edinburgh, UK.
        Ph.D., 1987.
George, Richard Painter, Jr. "The internal structure of the Troodos
        ultramafic complex, Cyprus." State University of New York at
        Stony Brook. Ph.D., 1975.
Gillis, Kathryn Mary. "Multistage alteration of the extrusive
        sequence, Troodos ophioliote, Cyprus." Dalhousie University,
        Canada. Ph.D., 1987.
Hurst,Stephen Dale. "The spreading structure of the solea graben,
        Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus." University of California, Davis.
        Ph.D., 1991.
Johnson, Slan Eugene. "Textural and geochemical investigation of
        Cyprus pyrite deposits." The University of Western Ontario.
        Ph.D., 1971.
Kahler, Gisela. "Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Lefkara
        formation, Cyprus." University of Southampton, UK. Ph.D.,
Kelley, Deborah Sue. "Fluid circulation in a submarine
        paleohydrothermal system, Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus: Fluid
        inclusion evidence for deep-seated circulation of brines in
        the oceanic crust." Dalhousie University, Canada. Ph.D.,
Konteatis, A. C. "Groundwater recharge studies." University of
        Nottingham, UK. Ph.D., 1987.
MacLeod, Christopher John. "The tectonic evolution of the eastern
        Limassol forest complex, Cyprus." Open University, UK. Ph.D.,
McElduff, Brian Mary. "Inclusions in chromite from Troodos (Cyprus)
        and their petrological significance." Montanuniversitaet
        Leoben, Austria. 1989.
Mehegan, James M. "Temporal, spatial, and chemical evolution of the
        Troodos ophioloite lavas, Cyprus: Supra-subjunction zone
        volcanism in the tethys sea." Dalhousie University, Canada.
        Ph.D., 1988.
Panayiotou, Andreas. "Geology and geochemistry of the Limassol
        forest plutonic complex and the associated copper - nickel -
        cobalt - iron sulphide and chromite deposits, Cyprus." The
        University of New Brunswick, Canada. Ph.D., 1977.
Taylor, Rex Neil. "The stratigraphy, geochemistry and petrogenesis
        of the Troodos extrusive sequence, Cyprus." University of
        Southampton, UK. Ph.D., 1987.
Turner, William Morrow. "Geology of the Polis-Kathikas area,
        Cyprus." The University of New Mexico. Ph.D., 1971.
Van Everdingen, David Allard. "Geological development of and nature
        of fractures in the sheeted dyke complex of the Spilia-
        Politiko area, Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus: Implications for
        permeability in oceanic crust." Memorial University of
        Newfoundland, Canada. Ph.D., 1993.
Yang, Jing-Sui. "Constructional and alteration features and their
        relationships to sulfide deposits in the upper part of the
        Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus." Dalhousie University, Canada.
        Ph.D., 1991.


Eitrem, Rickard. "Sandfly fever: Epidemiological, clinical and
        virological studies." Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. 1991.
Fei, You-Jun. "The molecular defects of HB H disease." Medical
        College of Georgia. Ph.D., 1992.
Trifillis, Panayiota T. "Identification and characterization of
        delta-globin gene mutations in Greek Cypriots." University of
        Pennsylvania. Ph.D., 1994.


Avraamides, Achilles C. "Studies in the history of Hellenistic
        Cyprus, 323-80 B.C." University of Minnesota. Ph.D., 1971.
Bennett, Carl Graham. "The cults of the ancient Greek Cypriotes."
        University of Pennsylvania. Ph.D., 1980.
Dechow, Jon Frederick. "Dorma and mysticism in early Christianity:
        Epiphanius of Cyprus and the legacy of origen." University of
        Pennsylvania. Ph.D., 1975.
De Hoff, Sharon Lynn. "The ivory trade in the eastern Mediterranean
        Bronze age: Background and preliminary investigation."
        University of Minnesota. Ph.D., 1988.
Efthimiou, Miltiades Basil. "Greeks and Latins on thirteenth-
        century Cyprus: A study of churchmen and crusaders." Miami
        University. Ph.D., 1974.
Hadjisavvas, Sophocles. "Olive oil processing in Cyprus from the
        Bronze age to the Byzantine period." Goteborgs Universitet,
        Sweden. 1992.
Helm, Peyton Randolph. "'Greeks' in the neo-Assyrian levant and
        'Assyria' in early Greek writers." University of
        Pennsylvania. Ph.D., 1980.
Holmes, Yulssus Lynn. "The foreign relations of Cyprus during the
        late Bronze age." Brandeis University. Ph.D., 1969.
Hughes, Dennis D. "Human sacrifice in ancient Greece: The literary
        and archaeological evidence." The Ohio State University.
        Ph.D., 1986.
Karagiannis, Alexander. "Greece's quest for empire at the Paris
        Peace Conference, 1919-1920: The diplomacy of illusions."
        Indiana University. Ph.D., 1981.
Kelling, George Horton. "British policy in Cyprus, 1939-1955." The
        University of Texas at Austin. Ph.D., 1988.
Koumoulides, John A. "Cyprus during the struggle for Greek
        independence, 1821-1829." University of Maryland College
        Park. Ph.D., 1968.
Krueger, Derek. "Cynics, Christians, and holy fools: The late
        antique contexts of Leontius of Neapolis' 'life of Symeon the
        fool'." Princeton University. Ph.D., 1991.
McHenry, James Allen, Jr. "The uneasy partnership on Cyprus, 1919-
        1939: The political and diplomatic interaction between Great
        Britain, Turkey, and the Turkish Cypriot community."
        University of Kansas. Ph.D., 1981.
Mockaitis, Thomas Ross. "The British experience in
        counterinsurgency, 1919-1960." The University of Wisconsin,
        Madison. Ph.D., 1988.
Sowerwine, James Edward. "Dynamics of decision-making in Turkish
        foreign policy, 1961-1980." University of Wisconsin, Madison.
        Ph.D., 1987.
Van Beek, Gus W., Jr. "The chronology of Iron age Cyprus based on
        Syrian-Palestinian archaeology." The Johns Hopkins
        University. Ph.D., 1954.
Watkin, Henry Jay. "The development of cities in Cyprus from the
        Archaic to the Roman period." Columbia University. Ph.D.,
Wosgian, Daniel Stepan. "Turks and British rule in Cyprus."
        Columbia University. Ph.D., 1963.
Ziros, Apostolos Dimitri. "Cyprus in the United Nations debates
        since 1950." University of Georgia. Ph.D., 1969.


Finnocchiaro, Mary B. "The Gallo-Italian dialect of Nicosia."
        Columbia University. Ph.D., 1950.
O'Bryhim, Shawn David. "The Amathusian myths of Ovid's
        'metamorphoses', book 10." The University of Texas at Austin.
        Ph.D., 1991.
Pafenberg, Stephanie Beate. "'Torechte gemueter': Character and
        culture in the chapbook 'fortunatus'." Washington University.
        Ph.D., 1991.
Tsiapera, Maria. "A descriptive analysis of Cypriot Maronite
        Arabic." University of Texas at Austin. Ph.D., 1963.


Kambanellas, Chrysostomos Andreou. "Water consumption and recycling
        of grey water in Cyprus." Polytechnic of Wales, UK. Ph.D.,
Kanne, Edward Allen. "Fresh food for Nicosia: A study of staple
        produce commodity flows through a central wholesale marketing
        system." University of Chicago. Ph.D., 1976.
Ioannides, Dimitri. "The state, transnationals, and the dynamics
        of tourism evolution in small island nations." Rutgers the
        State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick. Ph.D., 1994.
Sarris, Apostolos. "Shallow depth geophysical investigation through
        the application of magnetic and electric resistance
        techniques: An evaluation study of the responses of magnetic
        and electric resistance techniques to archaeogeophysical
        prospection surveys in Greece and Cyprus." The University of
        Nebraska, Lincoln. Ph.D., 1992.
Smith, Howard Jesse. "The boron isotopic composition of oceanic
        crust." University of California, San Diego. Ph.D., 1994.
Vibetti, Ndoba Joseph. "A study of deep fluid circulation in the
        Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus." The University of Western
        Ontario, Canada. Ph.D., 1987.


Adams, Thomas Williams. "Cyprus: a possible prototype for
        terminating the colonial status of a strategically located
        territory." The University of Oklahoma. Ph.D., 1962.
Aligwekwe, Evalyn Cumblidge. "The Cyprus question in the British
        House of Commons, 1954-1959." Bryn Mawr College. Ph.D., 1960.
Alioto, Michael Francesco. "Incremental and nonincremental
        political change patterns: Comparisons of eleven Hellenic,
        Latin European, and Latin American parliamentary and
        presidential systems (1922-1987)." Southern Illinois
        University at Carbondale. Ph.D., 1989.
Andriopoulos, Angelo Theodore. "The United Nations Peace-Keeping
        force in Cyprus and the changing Greek regimes." Fordham
        University. Ph.D., 1970.
Barham, Richard Wendell. "Enosis: from ethnic communalism to Greek
        nationalism in Cyprus, 1878-1955." Columbia University.
        Ph.D., 1982.
Benjamin, Charles Michael. "Developing a game/decision theoretic
        approach to comparative foreign policy analysis: Some cases
        in recent American foreign policy." University of Southern
        California. Ph.D., 1981.
Bolukbasioglu, Suha. "The United States - Turkey influence
        relationship during the Cyprus crises." University of
        Virginia. Ph.D., 1987.
Campany, Richard C., Jr. "U.S.-Turkish relations in the arms
        embargo period 1974-1980." The American University. Ph.D.,
Cutler, Robert Marc. "Soviet debates over the conduct of foreign
        policy toward western Europe: Four case studies, 1971-1975."
        The University of Michigan. Ph.D., 1982.
Demsa, Pual Meslam. "International peacekeeping operations: Sinai,
        Congo, Cyprus, Lebanon, and Chad, lessons for the UN and
        OAU." University of North Texas. Ph.D., 1989.
Danopoulos, Constantine Panos. "Soldiers in politics: The case of
        contemporary Greece." University of Missouri, Columbia.
        Ph.D., 1980.
Doumas, Christos Leonidas. "The problem of Cyprus." University of
        California, Los Angeles. Ph.D., 1963.
Evriviades, Marios Leonida. "Cyprus: External pressures and
        internal subversion, 1967-1972." Fletcher School of Law and
        Diplomacy, Tufts University. Ph.D., 1979.
Gregorian, Hrach. "Congressional-executive relations and foreign
        policymaking in the post-Vietnam period: Case studies of
        Congressional influence." Brandeis University. Ph.D., 1981.
Hadjipavlou-Trigeorgis, Maria C. "Identity conflict resolution in
        divided societies: The case of Cyprus." Boston University.
        Ph.D., 1987.
Ince, Nurhan. "Problems and politics in Turkish foreign policy,
        1960-1966. With emphasis on Turkish-United States relations, the
        Cyprus question, and the leftist movement." University of Kentucky.
        Ph.D., 1974.
Ioannides, Christos Polykarpos. "The effects of the Cyprus crisis
        on the Greek political system and on the foreign policy
        orientation of party elites: A linkage approach." University
        of Pennsylvania. Ph.D., 1977.
Joseph, Joseph Savva. "Interaction between domestic ethnic conflict
        and the international environment: The case of Cyprus." Miami
        University. Ph.D., 1985.
Kaloudis, George Stergiou. "The role of the U.N. in Cyprus from
        1964 to 1979." University of Kansas. Ph.D., 1982.
Korkut, Fazil Can. "A comparative case analysis of US crisis
        diplomacy: Cyprus, 1963-64 and 1974." University of Alberta,
        Canada. Ph.D., 1987.
Kyriakides, Stanley. "Constitutionalism and crisis government in
        Cyprus." New York University. Ph.D., 1967.
Lawrence, Lee E. "The British administration of Cyprus, 1878-1914."
        University of Wisconsin, Madison. Ph.D., 1937.
McIntire, Robert Carlyle, Jr. "United Nations peacekeeping in
        Cyprus: An evaluation." Syracuse University. Ph.D., 1974.
Maynard, Wayne Kent. "The peace operations schema: Rationalizing
        United Nations peacekeeping in the post-cold war milieu." The
        University of Alabama. Ph.D., 1994.
Navaratna-Bandara, Abeysinghe-Mudiyanselage. "The management of
        ethnic secessionist conflict, with special reference to
        devolution of government: The external dimension and the big
        neighbour syndrome." University of York, UK. D.Phil., 1992.
Paul, John Peter. "A study in ethnic group political behavior: The
        Greek-Americans and Cyprus." University of Denver. Ph.D.,
Rosenbaum, Susan Black. "'Peace with honour': British policy in
        Cyprus." Yale University. Ph.D., 1964.
Salih, Halil Ibrahim. "Cyprus: an analysis of Cypriot political
        discord." The American University. Ph.D., 1967.
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