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       Haven: Yale University Press, 1977.
Matthews, David. The Cyprus tapes. London: Rustem & Bro., 1987.
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Noel-Baker, Francis. My Cyprus file: From my personal records,
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       Columbia University Press, 1982.
_____. Negotiating for survival: The Turkish Cypriot quest for a
       solution to the Cyprus problem. Princeton: Aldington Press,
Panteli, Stavros. The making of modern Cyprus. Herts, UK:
       Interworld Publications, 1991.
Patrick, Richard A. Political geography and the Cyprus conflict:
       1963-1971. Waterloo: University of Waterloo, 1976.
Plaza, Galo. Report of the UN mediator on Cyprus. Nicosia: Public
       Information Office, 1965. [Also in: United Nations Security
       Council Official Records, Supplement, (January-June 1965).
       (Doc. S/6253, 26 March 1965)].
Polyviou, Polivios. G. The problem of Cyprus: Constitutional and
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Salem, Norma. ed. Cyprus: A regional conflict and its resolution.
       New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
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Stavrinides, Zenon. The Cyprus conflict: National identity and
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Stearns, M. Entangled allies: U.S. policy in Greece, Turkey,
       Cyprus. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1992.
Stegenga, James A. The UN force in Cyprus. Columbus, OH: Ohio State
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Stephens, Robert H. Cyprus, a place of arms: Power politics and
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       Praeger, 1966.
Stern, Laurence. The wrong horse: The politics of intervention and
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Theophylactou, Demetrios A. Security, identity and nation building: Cyprus
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Vanezis, P. N. Makarios: Faith and power. London: Abeland-Schuman,
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       Cyprus Association, 1979.
Xydis, Stephen G. Cyprus reluctant republic. The Hague: Mouton,

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