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Demetriades, E. J., House, W. J. Khoury, N. F. & Matsi, S.
       Population and human resources development in Cyprus: Research
       and policy issues. Nicosia: Department of Statistics and
       Research, 1992.
Papadopoullos, Theodoros Ch. Social and historical data on population:
       1570-1881. Nicosia, Cyprus: Zavallis Press, 1965.
St. Jones-Jones, L. W. The population of Cyprus: Demographic trends
       and socio-economic influences. London: Temple Smith, 1983.
Colonial Government. Report on the census of Cyprus, 1881 with
       Appendix. (By Frederick W. Barry). London: Eyre &
       Spottiswoode, 1884.
_____. Mediterranean, No. 39. Cyprus. Report on the census of
       Cyprus, taken 6th April 1891. London: Colonial Office, 1893.
_____. Report and general abstracts of the census of 1901, taken
       on the 1st April, 1901. (By Alexander Mavrogordato). Nicosia:
       Government Printing Office, 1901.
_____. Report and general abstracts of the census of 1911, taken
       on the 2nd April, 1911. (By Alexander Mavrogordato). London:
       Waterlow & Sons, 1912.
_____. Report and general abstracts of the census of 1921, taken
       on the 24th April, 1921. (By C. H. Hart-Davis). London:
       Waterlow & Sons, 1922.
_____. Report of the Census of 1931. (By C. H. Hard-Davis.)
       Nicosia: Cyprus Government Printing Office, 1932.
_____. Census of population and agriculture 1946 report. (By D. A.
       Percival.) Nicosia: Cyprus Government Printing Office, 1949.
Republic of Cyprus. Census of population and agriculture, 1960.
       Nicosia: Government Printing Office, 1962.
_____.Census of population 1973. Nicosia: Department of Statistics and
        Research, Ministry of  Finance, 1973.
_____.Census of population 1982. Nicosia: Department of Statistics and
        Research, Ministry of  Finance, 1984.
_____.Census of population 1992. Nicosia: Department of Statistics and
        Research, Ministry of  Finance, 1994.

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