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Baker, Samuel W. Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. London: Macmillan,
Balfour, J. P. D. The orphaned realm: Journeys in Cyprus. London:
       Percival Marshall, 1951.
Brassey, Annie. Sunshine and storm in the East or Cruisses to
       Cyprus and Constantinople. London: Longmans, Green, 1880.
Chapman, Olive M. Across Cyprus. London: John Lane, 1937.
Di Censola, L. P. Cyprus: Its ancient cities, tombs and temples.
       London: Bradbury, Agnew, 1877.
Dixon, William Hepworth. British Cyprus. London: Chapman & Hall,
Durrell, Lawrence. Bitter lemons. New York: Dutton, 1957.
Gordon, Helen Cameron. (Lady Russell). Love's Island: Incidents in
       the history of Cyprus. Nicosia: Government Printing House,
Gunnis, Rupert. Historic Cyprus: A guide to its towns and villages,
       monasteries and castles. London: Methuen, 1936.
Haggard, H. Rider A winter pilgrimage. London: Longmans, 1901.
Henderson, Celia. Cyprus: The country and its people. London: Queen
       Anne Press, 1968.
Jeffery, George H. E. A description of the historic monuments of
       Cyprus: Studies in the archaeology and architecture of the
       island (with illustrations). London: Zeno, 1983.
Keshishian, K. K. Romantic Cyprus. Stourbridge, UK: Mark & Moody,
_____. Nicosia, capital of Cyprus, then and now. Nicosia: Moufflon,
_____. Famagusta town and district Cyprus: A survey of its people and
        places from ancient times.  Nicosia: Famagusta Chamber of
        Commerce & Industry, 1985.
Lang, Hamilton Robert. Cyprus: Its History, its present resources,
       and future prospects. London: Macmillar, 1878.
Lewis, Elizabeth A. M. A lady's impressions of Cyprus in 1893.
       London: Remington, 1894.
Loher, von Franz. Cyprus historical and descriptive. New York:
       Worthington, 1878.
Mallock, William H. In an enchanted island or a winter's retreat
       in Cyprus. London: Bentley & Son, 1889.
Mangoian, L & Mangoian H. A. The island of Cyprus: An illustrated guide
        and handbook.  Nicosia: Mangoian Bros., 1947.
Scott-Stevenson, Esme. [Mary Esme Gwendoline (Grogan)] Our Home
       in Cyprus. London: Chapman & Hall, 1880.
Smith, Agnes. Through Cyprus. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1887.
Steward, Basil. My experience of Cyprus. London: Routledge, 1908.

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