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Ashiotis, C. A. Labour conditions in Cyprus during the war years,
       1939-1945. Nicosia: Cyprus Government Printing Office, 1945.
Biddulph, Robert. The currency of Cyprus from the British
        occupation in 1878. Nicosia: Government Printing House, 1910.
Barr, Kenneth, J. Cyprus Mineral Company: People make the
        difference. New York: Newcomen Society of the United states,
Christodoulou, Demetrios. Inside the Cyprus miracle: The labors of
        an embittered mini-economy. Minneapolis: University of
        Minnesota, 1992.
Demetriades, E. I. ILO/UNITAR seminar on women, work and
        demographic issues. Nicosia: Statistics and Research
        Department Ministry of Finance, 1983.
_____. The process of industrialization in Cyprus. Nicosia: Social
        Research Centre, 1984.
House, W. J. Labour market segmentation and sex discrimination in
        Cyprus: Some empirical evidence. Nicosia: Statistics and
        Research Department Ministry of Finance, 1985.
_____. Cypriot women in the labour market: An exploration of myths
        and reality. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1985.
_____. Discrimination and segregation of women workers in Cyprus.
        Nicosia: Statistics and Research Department Ministry Finance,
Hudson, John R. & Dymiotou-Jensen, Marina. Modelling a developing
        country: A case study of Cyprus. Aldershot, UK: Avebury, 1989.
Jenness, Diamond. The economics of Cyprus: A survey to 1914.
        Montreal: McGill University Press, 1962.
Kaminarides, John S. The Cyprus economy: A case in the
        industrialization progress. Nicosia: Socrates Publishing,
Karageorghis Vasos & Michaelides, Demetrios. eds. The development of
        the Cypriot  economy from the prehistoric period to the present day.
        Nicosia: University of Cyprus and the Bank of Cyprus, 1996
Lanitis, N. C. Rural indebtedness and agricultural co-operation in
        Cyprus: A case study. rev, ed. Limassol: Proodos, 1992.
Lavender, David Sievert. The story of Cyprus Mines Corporation. San
        Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 1962.
Meyer, Albert J., & Vassiliou, Simos. The economy of Cyprus.
        Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1962.
Phylaktis, Kate. The banking system of Cyprus: Past, present and
        future. London: Macmillan, 1995.
Surridge, B. J. A survey of rural life in Cyprus. Nicosia:
        Government Printing Office, 1930.
Theophanous, Andreas. The political economy of a federal Cyprus. Nicosia:
        Intercollege Press, 1996.
Tsardanidis, Charalambos. The politics of the EEC -- Cyprus
        Association Agreement: 1972-1982. Nicosia: The Social Research
        Centre, 1988.
Wilson, Rodney. Cyprus and the international economy. New York: St.
        Martin's Press, 1992.

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