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In compiling this selective bibliography, I gave emphasis to English language publications dealing primarily with the political history of Cyprus over the last 120 years. The general availability of these books in USA research and university libraries also determined the inclusion or exclusion of specific titles to this list. For this reason a large body of published work in Greek, Turkish, French, Italian and German was excluded, as was a large number of articles appearing in scholarly periodicals.
The available bibliography on Cyprus for the 120 years presented here is in itself very selective because the Cyprus problem and the Turkish invasion in 1974 have dominated scholarly interest. Authors have given more emphasis in examining the political development of Cyprus since 1950 and for this reason certain areas in Cypriot studies remain relatively unexamined. Among these are all aspects of Ottoman rule (1571-1878) and the social, economic and legal history of Cyprus during British rule (1878-1960). Also scarce, are anthropological and sociological studies, as well as those dealing with the ethnic minorities of the island.
I hope this selective bibliography will prove useful to the beginning student and the specialist alike. Those with more specialize research interest are directed to the huge collections of primary sources available at the Public Record Office in Kew Gardens, London, the Cyprus State Archives in Nicosia, the Turkish Cypriot Archives in Kyrenia, the UN documents, and USA government records. Statistic, demographic, economic, social and legislative information is available from a number of annual publications begun by the British colonial government in 1878-80 and often continued after the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus in 1960. These include the Cyprus Gazette (1978-1960; 1960-), the Cyprus Blue Books (1880-1946), the Cyprus Annual Reports (1879-1961), the Cyprus Law Reports (1883-1960; 1960-), the Minutes of the Legislative Council (1878-1931), and the Minutes of the House of Representatives (1960-). Also available are specialized reports and annual publications -- too numerous to list here -- published since 1960 by the Statistics and Research Department of the Republic of Cyprus. A large number of newspapers published since 1878 in Greek, Turkish and English can be found at the Public Information Office in Nicosia.
My most special thanks to Panayiotis Zaphiris without whose technical support and assistance this page would not be possible.
Comments or suggestions of titles to be added to this bibliography are welcomed at e.demetriadou.1@alumni.nyu.edu
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